Box-Plots for Education Recap 5 minutes read A retrospective look at what I did for the Box-Plots for Education competition on DrivenData.
Armchair Particle Physicist 4 minutes read A retrospective look at what I did for The Higgs Boson Machine Learning Challenge on Kaggle.
Introducing the Kaggle Rank-O-Tron 1 minute read An interactive tool to predict your rank after you smash that next Kaggle competition!
Kaggle rank patterns - beating the benchmark 1 minute read Visualizing the Kaggle leaderboard for the Accelerometer Biometric Competition.
Kaggle’s Titanic: Getting Started With R - Addendum & Chocolate 2 minutes read A little addendum to the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: Chocolate!
Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 5: Random Forests 13 minutes read Part 2 of the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: ensemble models - RandomForests and Conditional Inference Forests!
Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 4: Feature Engineering 14 minutes read Part 4 of the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: pushing the envelope by engineering our own variables!
Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 3: Decision Trees 10 minutes read Part 3 of the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: decision tree machine learning, and trying not to overfit!
Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 2: The Gender-Class Model 8 minutes read Part 2 of the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: exploring data, subsetting data frames, and moving up the leaderboard!
Titanic: Getting Started With R - Part 1: Booting Up R 10 minutes read Part 1 of the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial: installation, navigation, loading and working with data, and making your first submission!
Titanic: Getting Started With R 3 minutes read Introduction to the Kaggle Titanic Getting Started With R Tutorial.
Committed to Open Source… Again less than 1 minute read Introducing fancy decision tree plots to scikit-learn.
Reflections and projections 2 minutes read 6 months into my Masters program – a little glance back at what I’ve done and where I’m heading.
Who are these data scientists anyhow? 2 minutes read Web scraping MeetUp and LinkedIn, and visualizing the results.
Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven less than 1 minute read I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.